Twin Ports Dog Training Club
Established in 1946
WINTER Session BEGINNER ORIENTATION – Starts January 21st & 23rd. Puppy class – Starts January 30th. Advanced classes start the week of January 27th.
Online Registration for WINTER Session is closed! There are still spots available in the Canine Good Citizen class!
Please check back for updates on when Registration will be available for Spring Session.
Welcome to Twin Ports Dog Training!
We have been training owners and their dogs in the Northland since 1946. We offer a variety of classes to keep you and your furry kids busy all year. From Puppy Class to Obedience to Conformation to Rally. There is a class for everyone! Please check out our class information link and tab down and take a peek at all the classes we offer. The start dates and cost are listed in each class description. Also take a peek at our Class Schedule link to see upcoming sessions for the entire year.
We also host two all breed obedience and rally trials right here in our own training facility. We also host a Sanction Match in June and multiple fun matches throughout the year.
Please feel free to contact us via email (twinportsdogtrainingclub@gmail.com) or by phone at 218-729-5311 if you have any questions. We also invite anyone interested to come and watch any class you may be interested in before you register. We do ask that you leave your dog at home until you have registered for a class.
We look forward to having you and your best furry friend join in the fun of training at Twin Ports Dog Training!

Important Resources
Volunteer Opportunities
TPDTC Volunteer Opportunities
This is a list of some of the various things that can be done for TPDTC as a volunteer to count towards
annual awards and STP hours. This list is only a suggestion, if you find something else that needs to be
done, please don’t hesitate to jump in.
Trials & Matches – Spring Trials, Summer Trials & any Sanction Match or Fun Match as scheduled
Ring steward
Check in table
Hospitality – Food for workers/judges/exhibitors
Judge’s hospitality (driving for judges that fly in, taking them out to dinner, pickup/drop off at
Pick up Supplies:
Toilet paper
Copier Paper/Toner
Garbage bags
Paper Towels
Cleaning supplies
CGC Testing Nights:
Check in/paperwork
Friendly Dog
Out of sight test
Building Maintenance:
Clean flies from light fixtures
Remove snow from roof
Change furnace filters
Clean Refrigerator/Freezer
Replace light fixture in hallway by sink
Serving on Committees:
Christmas Party
Annual Dinner
See Bylaws for list of all committees

Contact Us
Twin Ports Dog Training Club
5092 Lindahl Road
Duluth, MN 55811
Phone: 218-729-5311
Email: twinportsdogtrainingclub@gmail.com